>fertile = γόνιμος (=capable of reproducing)
>fertilizer = Any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile (λίπασμα)
>prolific = intellectually productive, e.x. : "a prolific writer"
>fecund = productive (either in metaphorical or literal way)
>grumble = γκρινιάρης
>murmur = μουρμουρίζω, μιλώ σιγά
>inept (adj) = Generally incompetent and ineffectual
>ineffectual = Not producing an intended effect, ineffective
>incompetent= unskilled, unqualified, not meeting the requirements
>Bring to the fore= to highlight
>Impose o policy = επιβάλλω μια πολιτική, τακτική
>influx = a rapid flowing of sth, e.x. water (literally), information (metaphorically)
>hurtful = Causing hurt, e.x.: "her hurtful, unconsidered words"
>colonial = αποικιακός
>self-regulating = Designed to activate or move or regulate itself
>obsolete = No longer in use, e.x.: "obsolete bank account", "obsolete words"
>beforehand = in advance (εκ των προτέρων)
>tyre = hoop that covers a wheel, e.x. : "automobile tyres are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"
>rumble (noun) = A loud low dull continuous noise
>dumb = Slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity, e.x. : "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"
>acuity (noun)= A quick and penetrating intelligence, οξυδέρκεια >>acute (adj)
>prone (to) = Having a tendency (to)
>objectivity = objectiveness = Judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices
>Uninfluenced = ανεπηρέαστος (ας πούμε..)
>Subjectivity = Subjectiveness (the opposite)
>Oppose = (verb) = Be against; express opposition to, αντιτίθεμαι , e.x. : ""We oppose the ban on abortion"
>moderate (adj) = Being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme, e.x.: "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
>anathema (noun)= A detested person, e.x.: "he is an anathema to me"
>equivalent = ισοδύναμος
>toss-up = an unpredictable phenomenon, e.x.: "it's a toss-up whether he will win or lose"
>affective (adj) = emotive = affectional = characterized by emotion
>bleak (adj) = 1. Offering little or no hope, e.x.: "prospects were bleak"; "Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult"
2. Providing no shelter or sustenance, e.x.: "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"
3. Unpleasantly cold and damp, "bleak winds of the North Atlantic"
>transgress (verb) = Act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
>amplify = 1. Increase in size, volume or significance, magnify 2. To enlarge beyond bounds or the truth 3. Exaggerate or make bigger
>therapeutic = therapeutical = healing = curative = remedial = alterative = sanative
>worthwhile=(adj) = worthy = Sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest, e.x. : "a worthwhile book"
>exhilarating= (adj) = making lively and cheerful, joyful e.x.: "the exhilarating effect of mountain air = αναζωογονητικός
>expedition = εκστρατεία
>overall = (adj) = 1. Involving only main features 2. Including everything, e.x.: "the overall cost"
>insightful = Exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception, perceptive e.x.: "an insightful parent"; "the chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives"
>whimper (verb)= Cry weakly or softly
>Convey = Make known; pass on, of information, transmit, μεταφέρω, e.x. : "She conveyed the message to me"
>stingy = unwilling to give or spend, τσιγκούναρος
>uptight = being in a tense state, nervy
>contempt (noun) = 1. Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
2. A manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous 3. Open disrespect for a person or thing 4. A wilful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority of a court or legislative body
Synonyms: Scorn(look below), Disdain
>scorn (noun) = similar to "contempt"
>Wilful (adj) = Done by design, e.x. "wilful disobedience"
>deficient (adj) = insufficient = inadequate in amount or degree, e.x.: "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"
>stroll(verb) = Walk leisurely and with no apparent aim
>wittingly = With full knowledge and deliberation, e.x. "he wittingly deleted the references"
>unwittingly = Without knowledge or intention
>extort (verb) = Obtain through intimidation(=εκφοβισμός)
>distort(verb) = Make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story, διαστρεβλώνω
>hoodie (noun) = A sweatshirt with a hood(=κουκούλα)
>commute (noun+verb) = A regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work (as a noun)
>peachy = (adj) = Very good, great
> sleet = Partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)
> Partially = Partly = In part; in some degree; not wholly
> morale (noun) = A state of individual psychological well-being based upon a sense of confidence and usefulness and purpose
>plug (noun+verb) = βούλωμα/βουλώνω
>plug sth in = Insert as a plug, e.x. : "She plugged a cork(=φελλός) in the wine bottle"
>persist in = Do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop, e.x. : "The landlord persists in asking us to move"
>persist = Be persistent(=επίμονος), refuse to stop, e.x.: "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"
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